The DIAL+ software suite is developped by Estia SA.
DIAL+ is the result of a close partnership with the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Lausanne (LAURE and LESO-PB Labs).
Is has been funded by the Commission for Technolgy and Innovation (CTI) on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (Project : "Advanced Fenestration Design Tool").
DIAL+ is an extension of the DIAL-Europe software realised in 2003 with fundings from the European Commision in partnership with the following partners:
LESO-PB / EPFL: Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et de Physique du Bâtiment
University of Cambridge: The Martin Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies,
FhG IBP: Fraunhofer Institute für Bauphysik Stuttgart,
TNO Eindhoven
This product includes Radiance software ( developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (
The meteo files for thermal simulation are generated with METEONORM 6.1 (