Is DIAL+ approved for Minergie® and SIA 380/4 calculations ?
Yes, the energy calculation from the "Artificial-CH" module has been approved by the competent authorities since August 2014. It can be used to produce the 380/4 and Minergie proofs.
Is there a link between the simulation duration and the scene complexity ?
Yes, the larger the local, the more the calculation will take time. As a general rule, the duration of a simulation, however, remains less than about 30 seconds (office typical classroom, etc.).
Is the calculation of daylighting autonomy based on climatic data?
Yes, for each opening, the calculation is based on the cumulative distribution of the outdoor diffuse illuminance from the hourly weather data of the selected city. This makes it possible, depending on the daylight factor value, to count the number of hours during which the indoor illuminance exceeds the required value (300 lux for example). This calculation only takes into account the light from the sky (no sun) and therefore represents the "potential" of the room regardless of the presence of the sun and the use of sunscreens. We can talk of "Diffuse Daylight Autonomy".
Is-it possible to describe indoor windows
Yes, DIAL allows you to define opaque or transparent interior objects. Therefore, it is possible to create indoor openings and glass walls as shown in the picture.

Is it possible to create a local overlooking an atrium?
Yes, with opaque or transparent objects mentioned above, it is possible to describe complex situations like a building with atrium, as shown in the picture.

How to unregister the DIAL license from a given computer in order to be able to install it on another one?
Just send us a request by email (dial(at)estia.ch) containing the name of the company and the name of the computer to unregister.
Once I have recorded my activation key, the following error message appears
« An error occurred while writing the license file. You will have to register again. If the problem persists contact Estia SA: Dial (at) estia.ch. »
The problem is due to the fact that DIAL+ does not have permission to access to the folder "DIAL+\ Tools\ SystemDIAL\". It means that the location of the installation has been modified.
To solve this problem, there are 2 possibilities:
- Uninstall DIAL+ and install it again in the default location.
- Change the access rights of the folder.
Registering my activation key does not work
- Check that you are connected to the Internet during the recording.
- If the error message is as follow "Error connecting to the database, thank you to try again later" or a similar message, the problem is due to your computer security.
You must release the IP address "" and port "3306".
After this operation, the recording should work fine. This release may be disabled after recording, but will be active at each record (new version of DIAL +).
- For any other error messages, please contact us at the dial (at) estia.ch
The Radiance calculation does not converge, I can not get results
(Windows) Did you complete properly the installation process of DIAL+?
Among the files extracted from the .ZIP file, there is a "setup.exe" that must be run to install DIAL + and Radiance. If this was not done, the calculation can not function.
(Windows) Radiance is not installed propoerly on the computer, to check this, please download the control guide of Radiance installation (http://floyd.lbl.gov/deskrad/FAQ.htm).
(Windows) My antivirus prevents the execution of Radiance orders. Exclude these commands ("rtrace", "RCalc" and "oconv" in the "Radiance / bin") from the virus controller.
The project name must not contain accented characters or special characters. It is no more possible to create a project with these characters since version 1.3.02.